Blog Archive

Monday 24 October 2011

Week three - 24/10/2011 - Starting aesthetics routine progress

My first week of the "starting aesthetics" routine has been good (I have not felt the positive muscle burn that I did when on the zyzz routine, although this could be down to several factors). I have focused on achieving the right form for the exercises before I put the weights at my full limit, now that I have this sorted I shall be upping the weights this coming week.

[My body in Week 3 - 130 lbs (only 1 lb gain despite diet and 2x daily weight gainer shakes]

My lifts are as follows:

Barbell bench press - 30kg (5 reps)
Squat - 20kg (5 reps)
Dips (weighted when able) - 10 reps (8 on the final set) - no weight

Tuesday -
Pull ups (weighted when able) - [Foolishly did as chinups] 8 reps (1st set) 3 reps (2nd set) 3 reps (3rd set) - no weight
Pendlay rows - 20kg (5 reps)
Leg curls - Weight "4" on the machine

Thursday -
Military / overhead press - 20 kg (5 reps)
Squat - 30kg (5 reps)
Dumbell bench press - 14 kg (8-10 reps)

Saturday -
Deadlift - 30kg
Dumbell rows - 14kg (10 reps)
Chinups (weighted when able) - 8 (first set) 8 (second set) 5 (third set)

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